Public meeting of Department of typology and areal linguistics, 27 December 2016

Public meeting of Department of typology and areal linguistics (2016). Additional materials:

  • Presentation
  • Kullui language presentation at the Festival of Languages, 20 November 2016

    Kullui language presentation at the Festival of Languages (2016). Additional materials:

    Interview with Dr. Surat Thakur (in Hindi)

    Interview with Dr. Surat Thakur (Kullu, October 2016, in Hindi).

    Kullui language presentation at the Festival of Languages, 20 December 2015

    Kullui language presentation at the Festival of Languages (2015).

    Presentation at Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences. 9 June 2015.

    Irina Samarina. On Kullui phonetics. Yulia Mazurova. On project.

    Local TV channel interview in Kullu

    Local TV channel interview.